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Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás
  • Lesson Planning - an Essential Factor in Providing the Effective English Language Teaching and Learning Process at the Basic School Level

    TOP 100

    Záródolgozatok48 Pedagógia

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Normál ár:
8 581 Ft
1 630 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
6 951 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 17.09.2009.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 21 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Megtekintett időszak: 2009.g. - 2010.g.
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    3
Part 1  Lesson Planning Process. The Precondition Of Its Organisation And Realisation    5
Part 2  Lesson Plan Design    20
Part 3  Lesson Planning In Practice    32
3.1.  Analyses Of the Practically Realised Lesson Plans    32
3.2.  Research. Meaning Of The Lesson Planning As The Essential Factor In Providing The Effective English Teaching And Learning Process At The Basic School Level    37
  Conclusions    43
  Annotation    47
  Information Sources    50

During my fourth year pedagogical practice I got to know all the teachers at the practice school work within a certain methodical theme every year. In academic year 2003/2004 the dominant priority was to organise the teaching and learning environment thus to make it more dynamic and effective.
The teachers of English methods group reflected on what they practically can do in order to make English lessons more productive and afterwards decided, teachers work should be structured with the help of the lesson plan – orderings how to conduct lessons. It means every teacher should work with a clear personal conception what she/he wants to do during the lesson. If the teacher does not have a clear idea of the aim and the activities of the lesson, he/she works chaotically, and then nothing useful can be achieved at all.
The lesson planning serves as an essential teaching aid to facilitate the effectiveness of the learning and teaching process.
The theme of the qualification paper – the lesson planning – an essential factor in providing the effective English language teaching and learning process at the basic school level is actual for me as to the potential young teacher who is going to work at school, organise, and conduct the lessons. The profound research of the certain theme could theoretically and practically provide me with the knowledge that will ease my future work and to facilitate me as the professional, who realises the operative and productive learning and teaching process. In addition, the lessons conducted by me during the pedagogical and qualification practice were successful. The positive results were achieved with the help of the lesson plans, which were elaborately done.
The aim of the qualification paper is to gain the theoretical and practical proof of the lesson planning as an essential factor in providing the effective English language teaching and learning process at the basic school level.
The work has been divided into the three parts. The following objectives have been set up:
to gather, study and analyse different kinds of information, lesson planning theories, aspects, types, and tips, which reveal the essence of the lesson planning and its conditions of realisation;
to find and study the content elements of the lesson plan and the conditions, which provide setting up the effective lesson plan;
to gain and explain the practical proof of the lesson planning as the essential factor in providing the effective teaching and learning process at the basic school level.
In providing the realisation of the qualification paper the following methods are used:
the study and analysis of the literature;
the lesson observation and analysis during the pedagogical practice;
the realisation and analyses of the elaborately done lesson plans within the English classes;
the questioner for the teachers and the summarisation and analyses of the results.…

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