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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 20.05.2005.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Study of language in ancient India should be understood as a way to retrieve the past legacy of the Vedic world. Because, as a text, Veda was the source of power, and it constituted the vortex of the Vedic society. It was believed that Veda is omnipresent and all pervasive. It is beyond any kind of doubt. Only in the next generation of Vedic sages when the Vedic language faced a considerable amount of distortion, from its previous form, due to the ongoing contact and convergence process among the various racial groups, an effort was taken by the ancient scholars
to restore the hegemony of the Vedic authority over the newly emerging Diasporas. This type of effort was directed towards three different directions:
1. there was an effort to retrieve the phonological quality of the Vedic language
2. an effort was taken to restore the grammaticality of the Vedic language
3. and the effort to restore the semantic quality.

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