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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Is an Internet service where you can easily download the latest music, films and software for just a small fee. We are different because we are a legal service.
As you can see all of our concepts have something to do with the stars. This is because we try to create a link between our Star-concepts and the Starmaker Company.
I2 International is an organization and is always keen to innovate and take initiatives. The Starmaker Company has been assigned to develop one new product or service out of five concepts.
Hereby we presented you these five concepts and our final service. The following subjects: Dutch, English, Business Economics and Marketing are relevant to the concept of the development of a new product or service, thus included.
The concepts as described in this folder are Star-Search, Star-Child, Star-Job, Tele-Star and Pop-Star.
The final product is going to be a combination of Star-Search and Pop-Star. The marketing mix exists of the product, price, distribution and marketing communication.
In this section we describe the different aspects of our service and the way we are going to target it.
In the other sections: Dutch, English and Business Economics, we describe the various aspects related to the assignments we have made.
Altogether this project will result into a presentation given early next month. Thereby we will make the decisions regarded to our final product clear.

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