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eKönyvtár könyvtár

Ma kedvezménnyel!

Normál ár:
2 258 Ft
407 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
1 851 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 08.10.2021.
Nyelv : Magyar
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 38 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

In order to give a comprehensive judgement of each country and determine the final order of prioritization, both qualitative and quantitative results are to be considered, as displayed juxtaposed in the Appendix.
When comparing the ranks and scores from the previous sections, Spain, Poland and France persistently appear among the least optimal markets to enter, among the ones analyzed. Specifically, France has a consistent sixth place in both rankings, and can confidently maintain the same position for the final ranking too.
Poland has the lowest quantitative score, with video entertainment industry being the lowest scoring category. However, Spain ranks last in the qualitative analysis, which also considers political and economic
instability, as well as the prospects of an incoming depression. These factors are surely unappealing to new entrants
in the market, and even outweigh Poland’s latest Eurosceptic government. Therefore, Spain should rank eighth and Poland seventh, in a definitive ranking.
Among the other five countries, Canada is consistently positioned low by both approaches; hence, it should also rank fifth in the finalized prioritization order. The United Kingdom should be placed right above it, due to the great risks raised by the imminent Brexit: uncertainty for the future, as assessed in the qualitative analysis, does not allow for a very high position in the ranking, even though the high quantitative score demonstrates market
opportunities. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that this judgement is likely improve once the details of the country’s exit from the European Union are outlined.
As a consequence, the United States, Germany and Australia are left to share the first three positions. They are all very promising markets to enter, but some key disparities arise. Australia has the lowest quantitative score of the three, as well as the most uncertain regulatory environment for video streaming services; hence, it should rank third. The quantitative score clearly depicts the USA as a market leader, with average ratings of 8.83 and a
total score of 9.2831 (more than one full point above the second place) —clearly in favor of a high rank. However, there are many competitors in the country, some of which have a very large market share, and growth rates are quite low. Overall, the market seems fairly saturated, thus making it hard for new entrants to succeed, especially
for small companies and startups. Therefore, the USA should rank second, with Germany being the most relevant
country to enter: a highly developed, wealthy country, with great technologies and infrastructure, influence over
the EU, and good further opportunities to grow as providers of video streaming services.
Ergo, the final ranking of prioritization for the best eight markets where to enter with video streaming services is the following: Germany, United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Poland, and Spain (listed in decreasing level of prioritization).…

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