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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 18.11.2003.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Alcoholism has more to do with those who have uncontrollable drinking; then those who has been drinking for a long time, or those who are heavy drinkers. People who have uncontrollable drinking can not just quit by saying "I Quit". Those people need special treatment rather then the just the "willpower" ("Programs"). They can only be recovered with a treatment assisted by trained people. While the alcoholic is in treatment the severity of the problem and the willingness of the patient will determine the extent of treatment he or she will undergo ("Programs").
Unfortunately, there is no cure for alcoholism. We have to recognize and accept that alcoholism is a chronic medical disease like diabetes or asthma, worsen by social conditions. Only recovery is possible for the people who are alcoholic. This happens after treatment in a period of time, depending on how serious alcoholic the alcoholic is. People with alcoholism who have completely stopped drinking are called "recovering alcoholics"("Programs"). Recovering alcoholics can lead healthy, happy, productive lives, but that never means people who recovered are 100 percent free from alcohol. An alcoholic, who is recovered from alcohol, can turn back to the previous condition anytime if that person breaks the barrier on drinking.

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