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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 11.08.2005.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.

The republic of Canada

Canada is the world’s second largest country in size (after China), it has an area of 9,976,000 km2 and it stretches 5,17 km from east to west. Canada is such a broad country that it contains seven time zones. When the Newfoundlander sits down to dinner in the evening, his friend in the Yukon territory just start his lunch.
The huge land mass has been divided by nature into six distinct geographical regions. Stretching across the North is the Artic Region. On the east Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and a part of Quebec belong to the Appalachian Region.
Moving west we come to the large region- the Canadian Shield which takes in Manitoba, Northern Ontario and Quebec. South-east of the Shield is the valley of the St. Lawrence River- or the Lawrence Region. West of the Shield lies the Interior Plains Region- along stretch of prairie including Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and the most western region- the Cordilleran Region.
The coast of Canada is washed by three oceans- the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Artic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east. The St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes form the greatest fresh- water highway in the world, leading from the Atlantic Ocean into the heart of the continent.
Canada’s climate is characterized by its diversity as temperature differs from region and from season to season.
The west coast has the most temperate climate in Canada thanks to the warms Pacific Ocean streams. The cities of Vancouver and Victoria enjoy dry summers and mild, it usually melts the same day.
The Canadian Prairies extend from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes. Here cold winters and hot summer are usual. Spring rains and dry autumns have made the Prairies are of the chief grain- growing areas of the world. The “chinook”, a warm dry winter win, affects the weather of Alberta.
More than half of the Canadian population lives close to the Great Lakes or along the St. Lawrence River. Here winter brings heavy snowfalls. Summers are longer and more humid than elsewhere in Canada.
Atlantic Canada has the most variable climate because of the air of the ocean. The warmest month is July with an average temperature 160 C to 180 C.
The northern area of Canada is snow-covered more than half the year; its summer usually lasts for two months. Farther north is the above 00 only a few weeks year.
Canada’s native population consists of 2 groups- Indians and Eskimos or Inuit, meaning “the people”. More than 75% of Canada’s Eskimos live in the North- west Territories, the rest in Artic Quebec and Labrador. Many of them still live by their tradition skills of hunting, trapping and fishing as well by production of artwork. Yet many people especially the young have to find work outsides their communities.
In 1982 there were inhabitants Canada, out of them about 323,000 Indians and Eskimos.

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