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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 30.11.2003.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

To provide a fuller perspective on government action against the Branch Davidians, presenting a history of the group, daily life at the Waco compound, and damning weapon related allegations are necessary. The possibility that all actions handled in a way where death could have been avoided, still puzzles a lot of people. The actions the ATF and FBI used on the Branch Davidians were executed in a very unprofessional manner. If law enforcement agencies would have arrested David Koresh while he was in town, the people that died might still be here today.
The Branch Davidians are an offshoot of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Like the church, they believe in the "advent" or "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ, complete with the end of the world in a fiery apocalypse, the death of all sinners and the salvation of true believers. (Massacre at Waco, Texas) In 1935 Seventh Day Adventist Victor Houtoff declared himself a prophet, formed the Shepherd's Rod Church and established the first Mount Caramel Center in Waco. In 1955 Houtoff died and his wife Florence took over and established the current Mount Caramel further outside Waco. When the Second Coming of Christ did not occur on April 22, 1959, as she predicted, the group split. The largest contingent followed another "prophet," Ben Roden, who changed the Church's name to the Branch Davidians.
In 1978 Ben Roden died and his wife Lois Roden, a woman well-known in evangelical circles because of her pronouncement that the Holy Spirit was female, became the new Branch Davidian prophet.…

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