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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Paris and São Paulo are two very different cities; one is located in a MEDC, the other in a LEDC. São Paulo was founded by the Jesuits in 1554 on a plateau 72 kilometers from the coast, Paris on the other hand was founded by a Gallic tribe, and it grew to be a fishing village until the Romans conquered it, from there it began to grow.
Similarities between Paris and São Paulo start in the early growth of them. Until 1857 for Paris and 1950 for Brazil, both of the cities growth was typical of European cities of that time. The climate and red soil was perfect around São Paulo for coffee growing, the arrival of the railway in 1867 large scale cultivation became possible, barons began to build public buildings and mansions as well as improving the infrastructure of railways and ports from the huge success of the coffee industry, however the coffee boom also attracted a large migrant work force notably Italians, then Japanese and later eastern Europeans, the large migrant force were also employed in a other growing industries such as the textile industry which lead to the growth of the city. Paris on the other hand, really began to grow during the industrial revolution when long established towns broke out of their medieval defensive walls and expanded along the main routes in concentric circles, with "legs" extending along important routes.

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