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Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás
  • The Unreliable Narrator in "The Remains of the Day" by K.Ishiguro and "The Light of Day" by G.Swift


    Esszék3 Irodalom

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Normál ár:
1 393 Ft
264 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
1 130 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 17.08.2009.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 5 egység
Referenciák: Használatban

Trying to define the unreliable narrator, one should find out “the question of the relation in which the narrator stands to the story.” (4; pp. 263). According to Robert Scholes, the “narrator tells it [text] as he sees it, in the first place; the reader faces the story – teller and listens, and the story may be told so vivaciously that the presence of the minstrel is forgotten, and the scene becomes visible, peopled with the characters of the tale.” R. Scholes calls a narrator reliable when “he speaks for or acts in accordance with the norms of the work (which is to say, the implied author’s norms), unreliable when he does not.” It is also mentioned that “unreliable narrator’s characteristics change in the course of the works they narrate.” (4). “Stories of character development or degeneration have become more and more popular in postmodern fiction. But it was not until authors had discovered the full uses of the third – person reflector that they could effectively show a narrator changing as he narrates.”(4).…

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