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  • Child Abuse in Canada and the United States


    Esszék2 Jog

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998 Ft
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890 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

When thinking of a child, the only thing that runs through a normal mind of a non-abuser should be thoughts of innocence, purity, and youth. Child abuse is the last thing that any child should fear, or any parent should consider. There is no way to hide the harsh differences that the world has to offer, nor is there a way to tell for sure if the children of today's society are absolutely safe from people who are into neglecting and abusing children. Of course there is no guarantee of the safety of the youth of the nation, but maybe if people were more aware of the consequences of committing such an indecent crime then there would be a lot less confusion going on. If there is not a cure then hopefully there will be a start to putting these so called criminals away for good. The issue has been around for decades and is only getting worse. Enclosed are some views and opinions on this controversial issue from "An Introduction to Child Abuse," by Duncan Lindsey focusing on The United States, and from a report called "The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect," focusing on Canada. Both articles use the Toulmin Model because they both have evidence to support what they are stating. Both articles are seeking to claim that the number of children being abused is steadily rising, and something more needs to be done. The grounds the articles used for proving their point were surveys, reports, and investigations.…

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