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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 19.06.2009.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 5 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Megtekintett időszak: 2004.g. - 2008.g.
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
1.  Introduction    3
2.  Types and causes of unemployment    4
2.1.  Demand-deficient or cyclical unemployment    4
2.2.  Frictional or search unemployment    4
2.3.  Structural unemployment    4
2.4.  Seasonal unemployment    5
2.5.  Hidden unemployment    5
3.  Measurement    6
4.  Costs of unemployment    6
4.1.  Individual    6
4.2.  Society    7
5.  Analysis of real unemployment in Latvia in 2008 year    7
5.1.  Unemployment by gender    8
5.2.  Unemployment by age    9
5.3.  Unemployment by regions    9
5.4.  Unemployment by level of education    10
6.  Unemployment rate in other countries    11
6.1.  Unemployment rate in Baltic states    11
  Conclusions    13
  Suggestions    14
  Literature in use    15

Unemployment occurs when a person is available to work and currently seeking work, but the person is without work.. The prevalence of unemployment is usually measured using the unemployment rate, which is defined as the percentage of those in the labor force who are unemployed. The unemployment rate is also used in economic studies and economic indexes .
There are a variety of different causes of unemployment, and disagreement on which causes are most important. Different schools of economic thought suggest different policies to address unemployment. Monetarists for example, believe that controlling inflation to facilitate growth and investment is more important, and will lead to increased employment in the long run.
Preliterate communities treat their members as parts of an extended family and thus do not allow unemployment. In precapitalist societies such as European feudalism, the serfs were never "unemployed" because they had direct access to the land, and the needed tools, and could thus work to produce crops. Just as on the American frontier during the nineteenth century, there were day laborers and subsistence farmers on poor land, whose position in society was somewhat analogous to the unemployed of today. But they were not truly unemployed, since they could find work and support themselves on the land.…

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