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  • My Father Worked at Ford. He Hated It - It Was Just Like School or Prison


    Esszék2 Szociológia

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994 Ft
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866 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 07.06.2003.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

When you look back on how the Ford motorcar factory was run 90 years ago in comparison to how it is run now, you can say that a lot has changed. But in terms of the management system (Taylorist approach) and the main objectives (increased labour = maximum productivity), not much has changed at all. The writer will take a deeper insight into the school/ prison theory at Ford and will relate it to Michel Foucault's ideas.
By 1923 the Ford motor company was producing 2000 cars per day compared to its 27 Model – T cars 15years earlier. This was made possible because of the management systems and techniques that were used in order to increase productivity.
When Henry ford first introduced the assembly line to the Ford motor company, it became a critical turning point that would change the motor industry forever. Years earlier, motor companies would need highly skilled well-paid craftsman that could carry out complicated jobs with precision. The idea of deskilling work came when it became clear that there were not enough craftsmen to produce cars in 'mass'.
In the 1936 film Modern times illustrates a near perfect example of Taylorism in the factory of the Electro Steel corp. …

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