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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.03.2021.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 18 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Megtekintett időszak: 2013.g. - 2014.g.
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Anotācija    2
  Introduction    3
1.  Specifics of literal texts    5
1.2.  Versification in English and Latvian poetry    6
1.2.  Specifics of songs’ lyrics translation    7
1.3.  Translation process    9
1.4.  Data research    12
1.5.  Translation of stylistic devices    14
1.6.  Translator should be also a poet    19
1.7.  History of poetry translation    21
1.8.  Equivalence    23
2.  Life events affecting Beyoncé’s song lyrics and their meaning    25
2.1.  Meaning of Beyoncé’s songs    26
2.2.  Beyoncé and God    29
3.  Stylistic devices used in the Beyoncé’s song lyrics    32
3.1.  Stylistic devices    32
3.1.1.  Urban slang    36
3.1.2.  Beyoncé’s slang in the Oxford dictionary    39
  Conclusions    41
  References    43
  Internet sources    45

The aim of this paper is to give possible translations for Beyoncé’s songs “Halo”, “Heaven”, “I was here”. To do so, books of translation theory and artists life events were analysed to find the best way to translate the lyrics. While making the bachelor paper, the following conclusions have been made:
1. Pop songs in Latvia and the USA differ in the usage of words. Latvian singers usually do not have any slang words. It could be explained because of the cultural and territorial differences between these two countries.
2. Sometimes it is not possible to translate a song without doing a deep analysis. A song can contain one meaning when it is looked at first sight, but it differs when it is looked from the point of view of the artist’s life events and her explanation about her artistic work.
3. A translator should also need some artistic mind when translating an artistic work. It is impossible to have a good translation if a work is done mechanically. Poems are full of stylistic devices that give a translator an opportunity to choose the best way to reproduce this art to a reader. A good imagination is necessary to do this.
4. Slang words change very quickly and it is sometimes hard to find the right translation because it could mean many things, so a research is necessary to determine the real meaning of the words. Their meaning also could change very drastically because of the cultural differences in the ST and the TT.
5. Pre-translation analysis and research about the history of poem translation can help understanding the methods that could be used or avoided in the definite artistic work. It is also good to see how a better specialist would deal with the problem.

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