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Normál ár:
2 221 Ft
243 Ft
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1 978 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 28.01.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

The author of “The Christening” is David Herbert Lawrence. He was English novelist, storywriter, critic, poet and painter, one of the greatest figures in 20th-century English literature. D.H.Lawrence was born on September 11, 1885, in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, central England. He was the fourth child of a struggling coal miner who was a heavy drinker. His mother was a former schoolteacher, greatly superior in education to her husband. Lawrence's childhood was dominated by poverty and friction between his parents. He was educated at Nottingham High School, to which he had won a scholarship. He worked as a clerk in a surgical appliance factory and then for four years as a pupil-teacher. After studies at Nottingham University, Lawrence matriculated at 22 and briefly pursued a teaching career. Lawrence's mother died in 1910; he helped her die by giving her an overdose of sleeping medicine. During the First World War Lawrence and his wife were unable to obtain passports and were targets of constant harassment from the authorities. They were accused of spying for the Germans and officially expelled from Cornwall in 1917. The Lawrences were not permitted to emigrate until 1919, when their years of wandering began.
Lawrence's best known work is Lady Chatterly's Lover, first published privately in Florence in 1928. It tells of the love affair between a wealthy, married woman, and a man who works on her husband's estate. The book was banned for a time in both UK and the US as pornographic.
D.H. Lawrence died in Vence, France on March 2, 1930. He also gained posthumous renown for his expressionistic paintings completed in the 1920s.
The theme of the text is a baptizing of a child.
The text is fiction and apparently it is taken from a book, which contains a number of D.H.Lawrence prose works and apparently it is a short story.
The aim of the text is clearly entertaining. The author wants us to see that there can be arguments in families even in the days when everybody should be happy and enjoy the amazing moment in family’s life.
The story starts with a scene where the mistress of the British School stepped down from her school gate, and instead of turning to the left as usual, she turned to the right. Her name was Hilda Rowbotham. …

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