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  • The Significance that Changes in Telecommunications Industry Have Had on Information Management


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1 584 Ft
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1 409 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 18.04.2004.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Competition has intensified in the global village, and there will be a growing need for 24X7 customer service. IP telephony has made outsourcing and off shoring of CRM an important option for major global players. By 2005, 35 per cent of call centers agents worldwide will be using IP telephony solutions, according to market research firm Ovum. Technology has matured to the point where all information about a customer is available on one single system
The advances in Telecommunication technology have created the capability for almost any computer system to communicate with any other at the speed of milliseconds across the globe. With Internet based business solutions made possible by this technology running in the background, companies can redefine how they share and manage relevant information with the key constituents in their business - not just their internal functional groups, but also customers, partners, and suppliers.
This ubiquitous connectivity created by Internet business solutions creates tighter relationships across the company's extended enterprise, and can be as much of a competitive advantage for the company as its core products and services.

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