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  • How Have Federal Mandates Effected the Ideas of Federalism?


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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Through out the 1930's, Federalism began to grow along with an increased power towards federal grants and mandates due to the effects of the Depression. During the New Deal the Supreme Court ruled that national spending was not limited to just specific grants any more. The national government now had the power to grant, fund, and mandate money to any state under what conditions they choose. Currently Congress can imply considerable control over the states by placing federal money to particular federal mandates. Over the past 25 years Federalism has dramatically changed as a result of an increase in federal mandates. Starting with Jimmy Carter trying to return the government to Creative Federalism, he wanted to give federal aid to poor communities and to use public funds to promote private investment for certain problems while trying to create a partnership between state and national government. On the other hand, Ronald Reagan reigned against big government during his four-year term from 1981-1988. In the end he decreased national spending towards states, which made many American citizens very unhappy. President George Bush stepped into to office next with a plan to continue with Reagan's downsizing of government. While trying to carry out this goal, Bush lowered welfare spending, increased education programs and environmental protection, while increases in the cost of Medicaid rose, leading to a national grant increase.…

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