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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 11.01.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 9 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    3
1.  Translation    5
1.1.  The role of translation    5
1.2.  Translation process    6
2.  Transformations    7
2.1.  Types of transformations    7
2.2.  Lexical transformations    8
2.2.1.  Transcription and transliteration    9
2.2.2.  Calques    10
3.  Transformations in texts about sports    11
3.1.  Articles about ice hockey    11
3.2.  Articles about basketball    13
  Conclusions    16
  Bibliography    17

Translation is a science, but from the author’s point of view in some way it is like an art. An art that helps people to communicate, helps to learn how to express yourself correctly and appropriately. Already during ancient times people felt necessity of translation which provided the communications between them and transfer of the information.
And today our life without translators also is impossible. For example, one of the most revolutionary innovations – the Internet. Already the majority of the large enterprises have a homepage on the Internet. And for attraction of clients, the information on this page necessarily should be stated on at least three languages. Work of the translator here begins. On the Internet there is an opportunity to watch events of sports activity: to read news of sports, the review of the most different games, and also to get acquainted with rules of different kinds of sports. All clauses about events outside of Russia are translated, and the author of this work will study these translations, to search in them for lexical transformations and to do conclusions, whether often these transformations are used and on what degree of quality.
As any profession, the profession of the translator also has difficulties. Recently the author noticed, that there is a stereotype about translators in the society. Many perceive translators as "walking dictionaries". Often there are situations when the translator is asked to translate any term. If he or she cannot translate at once without the help of the dictionary the standard phrase will sound something like this: "How come you do not know? You are a translator!"…

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