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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.10.2021.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 42 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    1
1.  Advertising Discourse    4
1.1.  Discourse    4
1.2.  Advertising Discourse    6
1.3.  Print Advertisement    8
2.  Stylistics and Stylistics Devices    11
2.1.  Stylistics and Style    11
2.2.  Stylistic Devices    12
2.3.  Phonetic stylistic devices    14
2.3.1.  Onomatopoeia    14
2.3.2.  Alliteration and Assonance    16
2.3.3.  Rhyme    19
2.3.4.  Rhythm    21
3.  Empirical Research    23
3.1.  Research Methodology    23
3.2.  Phonetic Stylistic Devices in Advertisements and Their Functions    25
3.2.1.  Onomatopoeia    25
3.2.2.  Alliteration and Assonance    26
3.2.3.  Rhyme    28
3.2.4.  Rhythm    30
3.3.  Frequency of Phonetic Stylistic Devices in Advertisements    32
  Conclusions    39
  Theses    41
  References    43
  Appendix    46
  Advertisements    46

The author of the Bachelor’s Thesis investigated the phonetic stylistic devices used in English print advertisements.
The aim of the following paper was to find phonetic stylistic devices in print advertisements and analyse which particular phonetic stylistic devices were used, how frequently they appeared in the advertisements and what their functions were.
In order to attain the aim, the author of the thesis studied relevant theoretical information on phonetic stylistic devices and advertising discourse, where it was revealed that phonetic stylistic devices play an important part in the advertising discourse where their function is to make the advertisement memorable for the potential customer. Advertising discourse is such kind of language, where the text is correlated with the visual elements together with the consumer’s needs and desires and makes the context of advertising meaningful. In the empirical part it was shown how the text and visual material correlate with each other, for example, in Advertisement 3 the picture is depicted in the way of onomatopoeia, but in Advertisement 2 together the Christmas picture is used with rhythm as the rhythm is taken from a Christmas song.
The findings of the literature review were applied to the empirical research through the method of discourse analysis. For the empirical research two research questions were stated:
1. Which phonetic stylistic devices are most commonly used in the selected print advertisements?
2. What are the functions of the phonetic stylistic devices found in the selected print advertisements?
The author chose 30 print advertisements across various industries like sports, luxury goods, cosmetics, technology and others. …

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