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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 05.06.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Did you know that there is a perfectly legal killer in America today? In fact, it kills over 1 million people in the US per year. This is not a disease or a natural killer. This is murder. This murderer kills about 1.25 million people per year, every year. It is abortion and it is perfectly legal in the United States today. It has been the topic of discussions across the country for years. Everyone from simple workers to presidential candidates is asked their views on this subject. At every presidential election, candidates must give an opinion on this matter. It is a huge subject. The problem is why it is such a big topic and why is it still legal. What is abortion? It is the purposeful killing of an unborn child. Killing its life before it even has the chance to live it. Women across America say that they should have a choice and that they should be able to decide. What about the choice of that child? They should have the chance at a life and a future as well. Abortion is wrong and the practice should be stopped in this country as well as others. This essay will look at this practice and show why it needs to be stopped right now.
Murder in the US is illegal. You cannot go out and kill someone just because you don't want them around.

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