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Normál ár:
5 128 Ft
821 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
4 307 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 03.10.2011.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 20 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Megtekintett időszak: 2010.g. - 2010.g.
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  List of contents   
1.  Introduction   
1.1  Problem statement   
1.2  Delimitation   
1.3  Methodology   
2.  SWOT analysis   
3.  Target group   
4.  Positioning   
5.  Marketing strategy   
6.  Distribution   
7.  Marketing campaign   
8.  Budgets   
8.1  Profit budget   
8.2  Cash flow budget   
8.3  Investment budget   
9.  Gantt chart   
  Appendix 1: The Value Chain analysis   
  Appendix 2: Royal Unibrew’s core competencies   
  Appendix 3: Organization structure, culture   
  Appendix 4: PEST analysis   
  Appendix 5: Porter’s Five Forces Model of Competition   

In 1989 Faxe Bryggeri A/S and Jyske Bryggerier merged into the company Bryggerierne Faxe Jyske A/S driven by a wish to stand stronger in the keen competition in Denmark and abroad. It changed the company name to become Royal Unibrew in 2005. The company was listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange in 1998.
Royal Unibrew produces, markets, sells and distributes quality beverages focusing on branded products within beer, malt and soft drinks, including carbonated soft drinks, water and fruit juices. Royal Unibrew operates as a regional player in a number of markets in Western and Eastern Europe and in the international markets for malt drinks.” In Canada the company already has brand “Faxe”, but our goal from this project is to make a marketing plan for entering in this market also with mentioned brand “Royal”. With positioning Royal in Canadian market RBREW will establish their brand name and will get stronger competitor in Canadian brewery market. We see opportunity in this market because the beer in Canada is the most popular alcoholic beverage and “by volume, imported beer has more than doubled its market share in the last decade. In 2009, imported beer had captured 13% of the beer market in Canada, up from six per cent in 1999.”
“Royal Unibrew focuses on further developing its established market or segment positions where the Company has a leading position, e.g. in Denmark and the Baltic countries, or significant and leading niche positions, as e.g. in Italy and in the international markets for malt drinks.”1 Few of its goals are focused on developing the company’s brands, products and market positions. And in export markets the company is focusing on profitability.
In order to make a marketing plan, we have to start with situation analysis. In the end of this part we will have SWOT analysis. It will give information about strengths and weaknesses of the company and its brand “Royal” and opportunities and threats in the Canadian beer market. It is relevant information for this project, because based on that information we will be able to develop its strengths, reduce weaknesses, use opportunities and avoid threats in making a marketing plan.
SWOT contains from internal and external analysis. The internal analysis part will consist from Value Chain analysis what will give more detailed information about product development and design, production, marketing and sales and service. This is relevant information for the project because this is the core how to understand and create the best strategy which fits with the company’s ability and ideology. Also we are going to look at company’s core competencies. Core competencies give a company one or more competitive advantages, in creating and delivering value to its customers in its chosen field. Internal analysis part will also contain analysis about organization structure and culture. …

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