  • A Researched Essay on the Environmental Impact of Genetically Engineering Crops


    Esszék2 Biológia

Kiadva: 22.11.2003.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'A Researched Essay on the Environmental Impact of Genetically Engineering Crops', 1.
  • Esszék 'A Researched Essay on the Environmental Impact of Genetically Engineering Crops', 2.

Agriculturalists have been using genetic modification to improve their crops since ancient history. It is one of the oldest biological sciences known to man, and the science has advanced by leaps and bounds since the advent of computer technology. Not until the second half of the Twentieth Century did scientists actually discover the complete possibilities of genetic crop modification. In this essay I will explain the differences between early genetic modification and modern genetic modification and discuss the impacts of transgenic plants on the environment.
Plants have been cultivated to have certain dominant characteristics throughout history. Traditionally, farmers used cross-breeding to genetically modify their crops, but they were only able to change the aesthetics of a plant (color, size, shape, etc.). It was an exciting art form to cultivate flowers of different colors for show and sale. However, breeding was random and imprecise. …

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