Kiadva: 05.04.2002.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'A Heroin Term Paper, Describing what Heroin Is and how It Effects the Body', 1.

As you may know, heroin is a highly addictive illegal drug, but what exactly is heroin? Firstly, heroin is classified as a depressant drug. A depressant "suppresses body actions and it brings on sleep" (Dolan 65). This drug is the most abused of the opiates worldwide as well as addictive in one-fourth of its users.
Heroin is produced through a special process. Heroin comes from the poppy flower which appears in places such as Asia, Europe, and Mexico. "Opium is found in the seedpot of this flower" (Hoobler 39). The opium is boiled along with other chemicals. It then becomes a morphine base. After laboratory refining, heroin is produced. Some heroin is combined with other substances to form new types. These substances include starch, sugar, powdered milk, and/or strychnine. The substances in heroin are not always known which can eventually pose as a problem.

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