  • The "Information Superhighway" Provides Educational and Economical Benefits, but also Poses a Threat to Teachers and Students


    Esszék1 Pedagógia

Kiadva: 31.07.2002.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'The "Information Superhighway" Provides Educational and Economical Benefits, but', 1.

The "Information Superhighway" provides educational and economical benefits, but also poses a threat to teachers and students. One of the many report's written by the United States Council on the National Information Infrastructure called "The Information Superhighway Will Offer Many Benefits," is filled with a good amount of information on how students and teachers benefit from the Internet. The council also emphasizes on how our economy can grow and , as the council stated, ". . . will enable us to maximize the value of all our human recourses, revitalize our Nation's social and economical fabric and reaffirm our country's sense of community" (21). Chaitram Ramphal writer of "The Internet Will Impair Education" talks about the opposing views on educational benefits.
Everyday more and more people are joining the Internet, providing vast amounts of information for the whole world to use and benefit from. …

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