  • The Problem with religion and morals. Speaks of St.Anselm, Thomas Aquinas and St.Augustine


    Esszék1 Filozófia

Kiadva: 01.01.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'The Problem with religion and morals. Speaks of St.Anselm, Thomas Aquinas and St', 1.

The Problem with Religion and Morals
The likes of many philosophers including St. Anselm, Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine have written that organized religion is the only source of human beings leading a moral life. One of the defenses of organized religion is that it is the basis of society's morals and therefore it is necessary to prevent social barbarism. This statement is utterly untrue, for there are many open-minded families, throughout the world who live perfectly good lives, with perfectly good morals, without practicing a recognized religion.

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