Kiadva: 02.04.2007.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Irodalom: 2 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Kutatási anyagok 'The Easter', 1.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'The Easter', 2.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'The Easter', 3.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'The Easter', 4.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'The Easter', 5.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'The Easter', 6.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'The Easter', 7.

The moral lessons given us by Jesus.
When is an Easter?
Easter egg and Easter hare.
Thoughts from Ireland.
Easter in England.
Easter in Ukraine and Russia

I. The moral lessons given us by Jesus

Celebrating Easter, seeing the happy faces of people around, hearing the joyful announcements “Christ is risen” , and, on the whole, enjoining these God-blessed sunny spring days, let us
pause for a moment and ponder on some of the moral lessons given us by Jesus.
We well know that Christianity is ethical through and through, but strange as it may seem, the moral teaching of Christ himself is not very circumstantial. On the contrary, He appears rather
terse on these matters, and it is in His deeds, not words, that the larger part of His mission found its expression. As a person, with all His inclinations and intentions, He does not seem to be a
determined moral reformer, not to speak of a revolutionary; and he was not in the least a scholar or a man of letters. He wrote nothing. He mowed quietly and slowly along the highways and
among the villages of Galilee and Judea and spoke to people not about any intricate problems of human existence, or theology, or the mysteries of life and death, but about things which belonged
to the realm of daily life; and the words he chose for that were the words of common men, not those of a professor of ethics.
He summed up His “theology” in an amazingly short and simple phrase “God is love” ; and meeting people He very often did not teach them, as He actually did from time to time, but
offered them a ready sympathy and understanding, even to the degraded and the outcast. To them He spoke in the language of tolerance and benevolence, forgiveness and mercy. That was His
love – and that was the beginning of the moral revolution that transformed the world.

II. When is the Easter?

The greatest Christian festival of the year is Easter. It is either in March or in April, and millions of people joyously observe Christ’s resurrection. This holy day never comes before March
22 or after April 25.

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