  • How Can an Organization Provide Employees with Opportunities to Build Their Own Skills and Enhance Their Marketability Without Compromising the Business Goals of the Organization


    Esszék3 Menedzsment

Kiadva: 28.05.2004.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'How Can an Organization Provide Employees with Opportunities to Build Their Own ', 1.
  • Esszék 'How Can an Organization Provide Employees with Opportunities to Build Their Own ', 2.

Poor training cause high turnover and more recruitment needed. Many organizations stress the importance of employees but send the opposite message to them by not providing a worthwhile training effort. Shortcuts here will create performance problems and dissatisfaction. Ideally, as much of the training should be pre-service as possible (2001; Christopher A Hertig). It is the reason why training must be well prepared, means it is really important to choose the right person to the right training. In this optic, the assessment phase which establishes what training is needed, by whom, when and where so that training objectives can be established (2001;Raymond J. Stone). The training must be adapted to real needs and training should be targeted. On the other hand, training needs analysis training objective. A lot of companies think that giving a training to their staff is a factor of satisfaction but train without real objectives is not a solution for retention. Preliminary consideration, evaluation phase, measure of training effectiveness and employees feedback are also essential to be sure of the success of the training in term of objectives and in term of interest return. …

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