Kiadva: 06.01.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 10 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 1.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 2.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 3.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 4.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 5.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 6.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 7.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 8.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 9.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Trafficking in Human Beings – a Way of Modern Slavery', 10.

The end of the 18th – the beginning of the 19th century is crucial time in the history of slavery, which existed in variety of forms throughout human history. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the Confederate States gave a push to abolition in other countries that finally lead to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights forth article: “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms” [9]. However modern ways of freedom deprivation still exists.

Nowadays common economical and political values are tightening various countries with different cultural and historical past, creating one world. Globalization and internalization take essential part in building intercultural relationship, giving people opportunity of moving freely in searches of better work conditions, life experiences and mind broadening. Nevertheless there are always two sides of the coin. Globalization is resulting in extraordinary movements of people, legitimate and illegitimate, across national and international borders [4; 111]. Open borders facilitate not only tourism and migration, but smuggling and human trafficking – new face of the modern slavery. For instance, Central Europe offers multiple points of access to the European Union (EU) – both across land borders and across Adriatic. Once access to EU has been achieved there is considerable mobility with just few serious checks. Getting into the United States (US) has become more difficult after September 11. Yet there are still opportunities to come in directly with good quality illegal documents or to come in with the help of alien smuggling groups across Mexican-US border. Another way is through Canada. [4; 146]. As Kapur claims: “Globalization is facilitating enormous movement, exposing the porosity of borders, the transnational reality of migration and foundations of the laws regulating cross-border movements” [4; 8]. …

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