Kiadva: 01.02.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'Smoking Among Teenagers Has Become a Very Important Problem', 1.
  • Esszék 'Smoking Among Teenagers Has Become a Very Important Problem', 2.

“Recently in Latvia is increase up dramatically a number of smokers, especially among teenagers and young people”, - so emphasize specialists. Average age, from which teenagers begin to smoke nowadays is eleven years. There are such children, who taste their first cigarette being nine years old. 80 % of 13 –15 years old teenagers have tried to smoke as minimum one time and more than 37 % of pupils use tobacco wares. This is unpassionate statistics. In fact most of them become regular smokers. The sooner the smoking is started, the bigger ir the probability to become addicted. Advertisements, terrible pictures and inscriptions on cigarette packets, teachers and parents morales and similar methodes aren’t effective and don’t help. There’re many reasons, why teenagers start to smoke: company’s and friends influence (even older brothers or sisters), inquisitiveness and wish be like an adults.
Very often teenagers persuade to smoke their older friends, who tell, that smoking is “cool” and “stylish”. At first such thing seems disgusting and strange, but later addiction appears.…

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