Kiadva: 24.09.2002.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'Looks at how We See Weed American People', 1.

What the Hell?
Marijuana has been in existence for quite some time. So many individuals have used it whether we know it or not. Pot has been a backbone for many at the end of the day and for others maybe it helps them go to bed faster. Others it helps get them ready for their test at ten o'clock or maybe, just maybe, it allows them to perform on the field. So why is it not legal? The majority of the reason why it is not legal speaks very loudly in Washington D.C. Politicians have been running this country for a number of years and to legalize something that they are making millions trying to stop would put a serious dent in their lives. Marijuana would do good things for a country that has a lot of problems not to mention providing acceptance for those that we so commonly so often cast out as criminals.

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