Kiadva: 18.11.2002.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'In this Essay I Identify and Discuss the Assessment Methods that I Use within My', 1.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'In this Essay I Identify and Discuss the Assessment Methods that I Use within My', 2.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'In this Essay I Identify and Discuss the Assessment Methods that I Use within My', 3.

Assessment of aptitudes and abilities can be assessed by Aptitude tests this test may involve, paper tests or practical tasks. Aptitude tests may influence employers decisions.
Personality assessment measures personality factors, which may affect an individual's behaviour at work.
Assessment of interests and preferences. Individual interests and preferences can change over the years. Re assessment may be needed when people are faced with a career change.
This website was set up in 1995 by the London Guildhall University with funding received by eLib (Electronic Libraries). The website is a resource for all staff learning and teaching in higher education. The site has case studies on learning and teaching, assessment and links to resources.

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