Kiadva: 29.11.2004.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 1.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 2.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 3.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 4.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 5.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 6.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 7.
  • Összefoglalók, jegyzetek 'English Speaking Countries', 8.

The British Isles is a geographic term for the islands of Great Britian and Ireland. Great Britian consists of England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland is currently politically split as the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is a collective term for Great Britan and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom of Great Bitain and Northern Ireland is 244,044 square kilometers large. The capital of Britain is London.The population is 56,876,000 people.
The climate is temperate- not very hot, nor very cold. A lot of rain in the west and in Scotland. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland that is 1,340 meters high. The longest river is the Severn. The money they use is pounds and pence. The official language is English. Most people live in towns and cities. The larges are Liverpool, Manchester, Blackpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, York and others.
The Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish are British but not English.
Football is the most popular team game in Britan. There is no team from Great Britain. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own teams.
Horse racing is also popular. Ascot Race is near Windsor. The queen always attends it.

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