Kiadva: 14.10.2003.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék '"Leaves of Grass" and a Biography of Walt Whitman', 1.

Walt Whitman was a poet born right here in this very town, Huntington, New York. His house is now a museum that sits across the street from the Walt Whitman Mall. To honor Walt Whitman's greatness several of his poems from The Leaves of Grass have been engraved upon the walls of the mall. The life that Whitman led was a hard one, and his controversial poetry and ideas didn't help much either. Many people objected to his ideas and the themes of many of his poems because of his acceptance of homosexuality and candor about all things sexual.
Walt Whitman, the second out of nine children, was fathered by Walter Whitman on May 31, 1819. …

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