Gyorsan kedvencként jelölhet bármely dokumentumot. Remek!Safety on Board
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára112
TOP 500PN42O 1/1 What is the basic principle of fire prevention? Inspect the vessel at the end of each watch. VQMB9 1/2 Ideally the adjustable jet/spray nozzle on a hose should be ...
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Euro Currency
Prezentációk középiskolák számára8
Determine for which country the banknote was printed, you can by the first letter in her number: Austria - N Belgium - Z, Germany - X, Greece - Y, Ireland - T, Spain - V, ...
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Toxicology Assessment for Lead
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára6
3.0 Exposure routes of lead The main sources of lead entering an ecosystem are atmospheric lead (primarily from automobile emissions), paint chips, used ammunition, fertilisers ...
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Тhe City Of London and Its Role As a Financial Center
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára25
Introduction. The Concept of the City of London. Britain is a major financial centre providing a wide range of specialised services. The country’s economy has for a long time ...
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1000 Proverbs in the English Language
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára30
TOP 5001. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. Плохое начало ведет к плохому концу. Ср. Плохому началу — плохой конец. Плохое начало не к доброму концу. 2. A bad corn promise is better ...
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Dao Philosophy
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára28
Daoism is one of three religions in China: Daoism, Confucianism and Buddhism. The Chinese word ‘’Dao’’ means ‘’the way’’, as in the way of nature, the way of divine, Daoism is the ...
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Explosives Science
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára16
Ievads: Explosives are often played with as though they were toys. The persons playing with explosives are often too young to have accumulated sufficient formal education in ...
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Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára3
Cruisers are a category of modern warships. They are large, fast warships with medium tonnage, designed for high speed and long cruising radius. These are used to escort aircraft ...
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Humor of William Shakespeare
Záródolgozatok főiskolák/egyetemek számára41
TOP 500... emotion has been alloyed in his plays ...
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The Ambiguities of Legal Terminology in EU Documents and Legislation
Záródolgozatok főiskolák/egyetemek számára69
Értékelve.TOP 100This work has been done during the period from February 2007 till May 2007. It deals with legal terminology used in EU documents and issues related to this terminology. The ...
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Art Nouveau. National Romanticism in Riga
Kutatási anyagok középiskolák számára10
The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was a turbulent time of political and social changes, a time of national awakening all across Europe and the time of Art ...
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Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára6
Officially the Republic of Iceland is a country in northern Europe, located in the North Atlantic Ocean just south of the Arctic Circle between the rest of Europe and Greenland. ...
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Statistical Analysis of All Stages of Control at the Production of a Roller for a Driving Chain
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára31
Értékelve.According to the type of work, chains applied in engineering are subdivide into two groups: driving and hauling. In our work we examine motor-car rollers of driving chains. We ...
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Ossur: Establishing Manufactory Facility in China
Üzleti tervek főiskolák/egyetemek számára13
Fueled by a determination to seek out and seize new opportunities, Össur’s mission is simply „to improve people's mobility”. Company’’s vision is to become the leading company in ...
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Portfolio of Translations
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára50
Anotācija Darba mērķis ir iepazīstināt lasītāju ar izvēlēto tekstu tulkojumu un lingvostilistisku analīzi. Izpētes metodes un datu vākšana: zinātniskās literatūras pētīšana un ...
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The Depiction of Concept of Death in Art of African Society
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára29
Ingyenes!Death as any realm of the everyday life has its own legend in African religion. It has different statements according to the place and time, but the main elements stay the same. ...
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Ten Interesting Facts about Academy Award
Prezentációk középiskolák számára12
First Fact At 10 years old, Tatum O'Neal daughter of Ryan O'Neal is the youngest recipient to receive the Oscar for the category of Best Supporting Actress for the movie Paper ...
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Special Means Use in Police Work
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára7
In terms of the special assets - gas revolvers and pistols efficiency, it is appropriate to note the following aspects. Priority objectives of self-defense has not weapon caliber, ...
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What Are the Main Theories and Debates about Sustainability?
Esszék főiskolák/egyetemek számára6
So, did I answered on question what is sustainability and why humanity needs it.? I think yes. We need sustainability, we have to work, have to work hard, to save our planet, save ...
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Building Materials
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára4
Summary To summarize the obtained information can be concluded that the available building materials range is very wide, unlike what it was hundreds of years ago. The choice of ...
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Alkali Metals
Minták általános iskolák számára1
POTASSIUM fertilisers potassium carbonate (K2CO3) used in the manufacture potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used to make liquid soap
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Aviation in World War II
Prezentációk középiskolák számára14
Conclusion The major combatants – Germany and Japan on the one side and Britain, the United States and the USSR on the other – manufactured huge air forces which engaged in ...
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Kerékagy tervezés Formula Student versenyautóhoz
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára63
A karbon kúp beragasztásához szintén egy 3D nyomtatott szerszámot alkalmaztam, mellyel egyszerűen pozícionálható a kúp a kerékagyban. A ragasztáshoz Loctite 9466-os két komponensű ...
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Keréktárcsa és keréktárcsa mérő készülék tervezése Formula Student versenyautóhoz
Záródolgozatok főiskolák/egyetemek számára81
TOP 50Egy Formula Student csapat életében is fontos szerepet játszanak a költségek. Ezért a keréktárcsák gyártásánál is figyelembe kellett venni ezt a tényezőt, hiába egy szponzorunk gyá ...