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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 30.05.2009.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Használatban

Contemporary world where we are living in has become so interrelated and dynamic that we can rarely follow all actions accrued in national or international stage. More and more we are facing such unique phenomena as globalization, global warming and multinational community. These are completely new phenomena, about which we did not think a lot during previous decades. By saying that, I would like to stress the complexity of modern society and complexity of international relations. Moreover internal situation (national) could be no less complicate as international.
As the consequences of tension, misperception and complexity of modern society, almost everyone in the world are directly or indirectly involved in different types of conflicts. These conflicts are escalated in different scales and intensity. We can find examples starting from non-insurgent political unrests up to full scale war. Even worse, in 21st century we still are facing genocide. The reason of these conflicts are covering broad spectrum of factors. The basis for conflict could be religious, national, misperception of situation, different position of opponents, control over energy resources, or even the potable water resources. As conclusion I could say:” The modern world is shaped by different types of conflicts and awareness of conflicts types and their resolution could help us cope with contemporary environment!”
In my individual study paper I am going to examine the issue of types of conflicts and their resolutions. I will not cover all types of conflicts due to broad and different perspectives of how to look at them. Accordingly, I will analyse types of conflicts based on consequences, in order to clarify differences between constructive and destructive conflict. However constructive conflicts do not cause problem and works like movement engine to progress or modernization of situation ore issue. Thereby, in my study paper I will focus on destructive conflict’s and try to find out how to manage such type of conflict and how to transform destructive conflict to constructive one.…

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