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Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás

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2 205 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 21.06.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

1.What is examined in appeal procedures?
To appeal means to ask a higher court to change sentence which is made in lower court. If court faund defendant quilty by the lower court he can appeal finding or against the punishment ori f he haas a good reasons to believe that a judge have made mistake abaut a point of law.
In Latvia we havee tfhree level court system. And its means that defeddent can appeal sentence which is made in dictrict court to regionak court then from regional court to Supreme court.
In England court system an appeal from Magistrates court can go to Crown court or to queens Bench Division of the High court.

2. Which may bee reasons that cause labour disputes?
Laboour law regulates the relations between the employee and employer based on the employment contract.
The labour dispute settling bodies which resolve laubor disputes are court. Varey often reasons for labour disputes is that a employer dont observe emloyment contract.Emloyer order to more houers, dont pay wages.Mostly reasons of labour disputes arise from employment contract, that one of the side- emplojer or emloyee, dont observe the rules which are written in contract.
Sometimes emloyer dismisses the employee on unlawful graunds and then employee has tfe right to complain.

3. In what circumstances do people seek legl advice?
People seek legal advice often when they had some problems or maybe when they neeb advice of legal issues. When people ask legal advice he wants that a lawyer is lisening carefully and making sure that client needs are clearly understood . He wants that lawyer explain him the legal position and tender advice.
Legal advice ask not only peoplle whom had done sometthing bad, but also people who is arrested of commiting crime.

4. Why do we need law?
In community such as the one in which we live law is necessery to prevent behaivors which are dangerous and unwelcome for ouer sociaty.
If it were no law we could notgo out in broad daylight without fear of being kidnapped, robbed or murderd. There are more good people in the world than bad, but there are enaugh bad to make law necessary in the interests of everyone. If in ouer community would not been law you could only rely upon the law of the jungle- situation in which people are prepared to harm othre people in order to succed.
Every country tries to provide laws, which will help its people live safetly andas comfortably as ipossible. This is nota t all easy thing to do and no country has been succesful in producing laws which are entirely satisfactory. But is better to have imperfect laws which we have than none law at all.

5. What do Magistrates court deal with?

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