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675 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 26.05.2011.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Használatban

At last author want put down roots in untreatable ill person. Like usual there are only two versions – life further with pain and wait for death or speed it with euthanasia. This is too difficult and agonizing decision. By one hand – person love own life and hate only illness, by other hand – it is impossible to continue life with bad pain and suffering. Very quick plus will be rest out of all suffering and other problems but there are too much minuses. Most important is belief in treatment resources. In our time medicine evolves very quickly. Probably after some years untreatable illness will turn to waltz. That’s why very important is individual access to every patient. Patient and doctor will be one team with one aim – fins solution and make correct choice.
Author considers that in this situation patient decision is depended of relevant attention and love. If ill person feel only lonely, indifference and antipathy he or she will decide positive about euthanasia. That’s why is very important be with ill relative calm, fond, heedful; manage to cheer up and give love. Love from relatives can treat better than modern drugs.
Some person make dispute – what is more unacceptable passive voluntary euthanasia or active voluntary euthanasia. It is unbelievable that people can argue about thinks like this, about life end like about going to the cinema. Writer is sure about this behavior misuse. Neither of both euthanasia form is not better then other. Incorrectly to use words “better” or “worse” if dispute is about euthanasia.
At the conclusion author want infers than euthanasia not benefit or badness for our society. Unfortunately this process is inescapable because this society minded to all feeble destruction. Simple law of the jungle for ordinary humanity. Writer recognizes that modern societies can not life without euthanasia but she is sure that total euthanasia legalizing is not necessary.

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