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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 23.08.2021.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 11 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
Megtekintett időszak: 2010.g. - 2018.g.
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    1
1.  The Importance of the Synonymy Meaning in Context    2
2.  Finding Synonyms in a Specific Context for their Analysis    3
2.1.  Methodology    3
2.1.1.  Method    3
2.1.2.  Data collection tool    3
2.1.3.  Procedure    3
2.2.  Texts analysed    3
2.3.  Sample    3
2.4.  Results and Discussion    3
2.4.1.  The most used synonyms found in the analysed texts    3
2.4.2.  Found synonym meanings    4
2.5.  Synonym impact on the readers    5
  Conclusions    7
  References    8
  Appendix    9

The goal of the research paper is to find the differences in meaning of the synonyms with and without context by doing a case study with three similar type of media articles about the plastic straw impact on the environment, and to find out the recognisability of the found synonyms from the conducted survey.
To summarise, the theories on the synonyms gave more detailed insight and helped to find and recognize synonyms in context. Moreover, the context is an essential part of synonym existence as words can become synonyms in a given context while not having the same meaning as separate words in in a different context, as absolute synonymy is extremely rare. During the analysis of the three chosen media articles, the theory proved to be true, as there were found six words that created a synonym line in a specific context, while their first meaning without a context was not the same.
The case study once again proved that people must be careful when using synonyms, as they can easily be used in a wrong way that can lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding. There are still words that do not have any synonyms (e.g. specific terms) or who have absolute synonyms. In those situations, the context is not as important as in the analysed case.

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