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eKönyvtár könyvtár
Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás

Ma kedvezménnyel!

Normál ár:
2 593 Ft
388 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
2 205 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 11.05.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 64 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
Megtekintett időszak: 2000.g. - 2010.g.
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    1
  Method    2
  Literature review    2
  Road transport    4
  History of road transport    4
  Innovations in road transport    7
  Fleet Management    13
  Network-based    14
  Materials Handling Operations    14
  Logistics Systems    15
  Threats concerning road transport    16
  Rail passenger transport    19
  Trains in U.S    19
  Trains in Europe    20
  Trains in Japan    22
  Innovations contouring rail transport’s future    23
  Innovation in air traffic    28
  Innovation in efficiency    29
  Air Traffic Management (ATM)    32
  Safety and security    33
  Conclusion    40
  References    41

This paper is based on the three transport modes; car, train and airplane. The reason to choose those transport methods is because they are the most common ones, and they develop the fastest compared to other transport modes. First there has been done research to the development of the modes trough the years. After that we’ve focused on the recent innovations and the innovations in the future. For the cars, we’ve looked at the three biggest factors for innovations: environmental, economical and social. Those innovations are based on freight transport. The reason is that the newest innovations first will be implemented in the industrial sector before the got implemented in the public sector. For the trains we’ve looked at the environmental, efficiency and safety factors plus the solutions for geographical problems. For the airplanes we’ve looked at the quit similar factors; efficiency, safety and security, and also environment. Based on the gathered information about the technology, the implementation and the decision making, we’ve come to a conclusion about the future of public transport.
Topic about the future of transport has been widely discussed in all times, but there is still lack of written information about specific innovations in different fields of transportation. A lot of books have information about the management of innovations, but information about actual progress of innovations has been found only in internet articles, different kind of magazines, company reports of research and development, or official documents of government, in papers, mostly, deal with the sphere of passenger transportation as well as freight transportation. To answer our question “What will public transport look in year 2050” we followed articles that covered the theoretical aspects of actual transport innovations as well as we looked up for quantitative researches (e.g., effectiveness of innovations in fuel consumption and the influence of information technologies on transport system’s safety). Also we covered the qualitative researches like case studies of companies that use newest inventions (Boeing, Bombardier) of technology.
Mainly we searched for information in internet using different search engines (Google, Bing,
Yahoo) as well as in different databases (ELIN, Ebsco, Proquest). The question we looked up in
this paper was wide enough so we had to be sure that the information is relevant to our question and it is reliable. Mostly we had to look for more narrowed search query about specific
technologies in connection with transportation (trains and hydrogen engines, etc.) to avoid
irrelevant information. We critically analyzed the data we got from internet articles and compared with other articles covered the same question to avoid false information. Number of sources we reviewed was enough to answer how the public transports will look in 2050 and we found that there should be further researches about the implementation of innovations and how to
do that in most effective way.…

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