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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 15.11.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 6 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    3
1.  Characteristics of Expressive Texts    5
1.1.  Expressive Text Type    5
1.2.  Features of Expressive Texts    6
1.3.  The Expressive Function    8
2.  Translation of Expressive Texts    11
2.1.  Criteria of Translating Expressive Texts    11
2.2.  Approaches and Techniques for Expressive Texts    14
3.  The Difficulties and Peculiarities of Translating Expressive Texts    21
  Conclusion    28
  Bibliography    29

I think that my study paper “Peculiarities of translating expressive texts” was very useful for me. I learned new theory and refreshed my mind with already known information. In my opinion, the theory is very basic but important thing because it shows how to do good translation in practice. And as we know- practice makes perfect.
For translating expressive texts from the one particular culture into another, we have to take on consideration many useful things because certain translation problems may arise.
Firstly, Translator should know the differences between expressive and other type texts. Expressive texts have many peculiarities like its function, type and features that allow choosing particular target audience and to evaluate the source text.
Secondly, translator should follow the criteria of translation expressive texts. According to them translator can choose appropriate approaches and translation techniques that may help to have a good target text. Criteria also include some qualities that translator should have.
Thirdly, taking in consideration all the given theory and information about expressive text I had pointed out several difficulties that may arise during translation process. These problems mainly are result of differences in culture- specific (verbal or non- verbal) habits, norms and conventions, the structural difference between two languages, particularly in lexis and sentence structure and contractive grammar.
I think I have done my work well and I hope to specialize translating expressive texts in the future.

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