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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 11.10.2021.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 14 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    2
  Why are peacekeeping operations needed?    3
  Beginnings of Peacekeeping Operations    4
  Modern peacekeeping operations    7
  UN today    9
  Evaluation of peacekeeping operations    10
  Latvia in Peacekeeping Operations    11
  Conclusions    14
  Bibliography    15

As previously mentioned, UN could not protect civilians from harm, especially in African countries where they have little influence. in Rwandan genocide of 1994, 800’000 civilians were subject to a genocide and UN didn’t do anything to stop it. In 1995 UN also failed to protect 8000 Muslim men in town of Srebrenica, even though it was UN safe area.
It is no secret that during UN General assemblies, delegates from some of the world’s poorest countries are spending huge sums on hotels and shopping in New York City while their homeland is poor and people struggle to survive. Most of the investments have poor return and do not accomplish what they aim to. It can be explained by the fact how the local people in 3rd World countries do not need the infrastructure and in Islamic cultures it is widely accepted that Allah will settle all the trouble and matters.
On the other hand, there is strong evidence that presence of UN soldiers lowers the chance of reoccurring warfare and there is less harm done to civilians because it is easier to bring combatants to the table to negotiate ceasefire and peace. Billions of dollars are spent on these missions and it would be ignorant to say that they are ineffective because they have prevented many African countries erupting into civil wars which would cause influential humanitarian crises like Syrian Civil War. It is also worth remembering about successful Yugoslavian bombing of 1999 where NATO forces made airstrikes on critical infrastructure of Serbian forces. Serbian army had committed many human rights crimes by driving out Albanians out of their home. These bombings forced Yugoslavian government to stop war. Also concept of quick reaction forces is being developed so UN Security Council can quickly react to any genocides or inhumane wars.

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