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eKönyvtár könyvtár
Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás

Ma kedvezménnyel!

Normál ár:
1 993 Ft
220 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
1 774 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 09.11.2007.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 10 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
1.  Description of the Organisation    4
2.  Input and output model    5
2.1.  Warehouse Statistics    5
2.2.  Warehouse processes    6
2.3.  Chain “Customer → Tradeteam Stretton → Customer”    6
3.  Job design    7
3.1.  Job design explanation    7
3.2.  Job design for Warehouse Staff    7
3.3.  Job design for Warehouse Shift Manager    8
3.4.  Job design comparison    8
4.  Purchasing and supply chain management    10
4.1.  Purchasing and supply definition    10
4.2.  Purchasing and Supply at Tradeteam Stretton    11
4.3.  Supplier selection    13
4.4.  Distribution and logistics    13
5.  Quality control    15
5.1.  Quality    15
5.2.  Quality Control    15
5.3.  Continuous improvement “Kaizen theory” and Pareto Analysis    16
6.  Recommendations and Conclusions    18
7.  Bibliography    19
8.  Appendices    20

DHL is the number one logistics company in the Europe. It operates all over the world totally including more than 220 countries and territories. It covers 120 000 destinations and it is increasing it volumes and service areas from year to year.
Tradeteam Exel is DHL supply chain that DHL acquired in March 2006. Tradeteam is logistics provider to the drinks industry. It is operating as multi – user distributor while situated between the consumer and the supplier that are number of drinks producers etc. It delivers around 280 million gallons of beer and other beverages annually to over 27,000 retail customers. This way annual revenues are up to US$ 200 million.
I’m working for Tradeteam Exel from October 2005. I’ve seen company changing from very first moment when I joined them. This course work will help to summarize knowledge that I learned so far and it will be a challenge to learn areas where I haven’t been involved.
Tradeteam have 40 distribution centres across the UK. Services in each depot include following operations:
2.1.Warehousing and distribution for both on and off trade,
2.2.Route to market for drinks brands,
2.3.Comprehensive telesales and customer service desk facilities,
2.4.Full stock replenishment and forecasting operations,
2.5.Centralised logistics services and greater control of retailer supply chains,
2.6.Access to facilities, technology and logistics change management experience.
Tradeteam provide pure goods and services. Leading beer producers and alcohol suppliers based on these qualities chooses it:
1)Outsourcing provides companies with low costs logistics function,
2)99.98 % quality requirements / arrangements provide qualitative distribution,
3)Company offers consistent improvement and rises together with businesses.
All points covered during the assignment will be in relation with my work place - Stretton depot in Burton on Trent.…

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