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eKönyvtár könyvtár
Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás

Ma kedvezménnyel!

Normál ár:
2 593 Ft
284 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
2 309 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 08.05.2007.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
1.  Description of our initial situation and how it evolves    5
2.  SWOT analysis    6
3.  Overall strategy and goals    8
3.1.  Production strategy    8
3.2.  Comercial strategy    8
3.3.  Distribuition strategy    9
3.4.  The STP Process    10
4.  Market share evolution    13
4.1.  SUSI    13
4.2.  SULI    13
4.3.  SUPA    14
4.4.  SUMO    15
4.5.  VUGI    15
5.  Brand management, marketing mix and production decisions    16
5.1.  SUSI    16
5.2.  SULI    21
5.3.  SUPA    25
5.4.  SUMO    27
5.5.  VUGI    28
6.  Market research studies    32
6.1.  Industry benchmarking    32
6.2.  MDS perceptual map    33
6.3.  Market forecast    33
6.4.  Consumer survey    34
6.5.  Consumer panel    35
6.6.  Distribution panel    36
6.7.  Semantic scales    36
6.8.  Multidimensional scaling    37
6.9.  Competitive intelligence    38
6.10.  Experiment    39
7.  Outcome measures    41
8.  Overall evaluation of the company performance    44
9.  Recommendations for future management    45

At first our company had two products in Sonite market: SUSI and SULI. SUSI was focused on Others and Singles whereas SULI on Hi-Earners and Professionals.
According to Stock Price Index our team U started in second position. But after the third period we got down to the third position until the last period when we finished the fourth ones. In the first positions were companies E and A with a very big gap with the rest of companies. So our principal competition was company O because our results were quite similar.
If we analyze the competition per product we find that:
SUSI competed with SAMA but our product was better on design, volume, maximum frequency, power and it had a lower price.
SULI competed with SOLD and SEMI. SOLD was better in power but these products were focused on Hi-Earners and the most important characteristics for this segment were design and price and SULI had a better design and a lower price.
From period 3 we had a new product called SUPA. We tried to focus on Buffs so we could reach another segment of consumers competing with SELF, SINK and SONO (with the latter only during one period because it went out of the market in the fourth period). For Buffs segment the most important characteristics were power and maximum frequency and our product was worse in these points.
We decided to launch in the sixth period SUMO, a product focused on Singles. So SUSI could be focused only to Others. But after the results obtained in that period, we decided to get out of the market.
We started to compete in Vodite market during the period 7 with a product called VUGI. For its launching we requested a loan. In Vodite there were other two companies (O and E) before us with two products each one. Company O had the experience of three periods and E was in this market already for one period.
At the end, we finished in Sonite in the fourth position with two products (SUSI and SULI) and in the third position in Vodite.

SWOT analysis
Sonite: Our company has modified the products several times with the purpose of adapting them to the different ideal values of consumers. So SUSI and SULI have been modified and aimed to a specific segment of customers trying to have the ideal values of each segment.
Vodite: We started investing on research and development since the third period and we developed a product with high technical characteristics. Unfortunately because of the lack of sufficient budget, we had to postpone the launch of VUGI and so we missed the opportunity to introduce it the first ones and the technical characteristics were too high for the market.

Sonite: We haven´t understood the customers because in spite of improving our products and decrease in the prices, the customers preferred other brands instead of ours.
We haven’t been able to adapt our performance to the changes in the market and environment.…

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