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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 13.05.2021.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 20 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    3
1.  The background information of 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood'    5
2.  Linguo- stylistic analysis of the novel    7
2.1.  Syntactical stylistic devices    7
2.2.  Lexical stylistic devices    12
2.3.  Phonetic stylistic devices    18
2.4.  Graphical expressive means and stylistic devices    19
  Conclusion    22
  References    23

In conclusion the aims of study project were achieved. All linguo- stylistic devices, which can be found in the novel were diveded into 4 groups: syntactical, lexical, phonetical and graphical devices. Dicken’s writing style is very poetic and florid. In The Mystery of Edwin Drood he included a lot of metaphors and similes, which makes the novel more attractive and lively. Definitely the mysterious atmosphere of a novel is created by phonetic devices. The author widely used repetitions, which emphasize some ideas or reflect emotions. Repetitions are very often in dialogues. There are lot of graphical devices. The author used exclamatory sentences to reflect emotions. In addition there are a lot of words, which are written in italics and it has got some special meaning.
All things considered, the author of the study project would say that target readers of this novel are young adults and adults, because it would be hard to read and understand for children. It is necessary to concentrate on the text very carefully. It must be emphasized that Ch. Dickens tried to keep the balance of special literary vocabulary and common colloquial vocabulary- if descriptions were very poetical, then dialogues author tried to make more neutral with the help of linguo-stylistic devices.
On the whole, the language of the novel is bright and there is no doubt that Charles Dickens is one of the greatest English novelists.

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