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1 394 Ft
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1 214 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 25.01.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 7 egység
Referenciák: Használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
1.  Introduction or summary    3
2.  Review    4
2.1.  William Shakespeare    4
2.2.  Plot of Romeo and Juliet    5
2.3.  Characters    6
2.4.  Objects and places    9
2.5.  Love    10
2.6.  Hate    12
3.  Conclusion or inferences    14
4.  Bibliography    15
5.  Appendix    16

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote the story of two lover's Romeo and Juliet.  The love of Romeo and Juliet was a great and unforgettable love. The two cross star lovers had shared their love and hate to each other. The families had to have love and hate or story would have been so good. The fight of Merutio and Tybalt was an act of hate between the two societies. In that since Romeo had to show his hate by killing Tybalt.  Romeo just got marry and now kills the wife's cousin that was an act of real hate. The fact about this part was that hate over ruled the love of Romeo to its family.  The love of them had the great effect on them.  The fact is that hate was more powerful in a way that it beat love.  After that Juliet thought about Romeo, the killer of her cousin, she did not really care about it.  But she only care about was Romeo did not get kill for the murder.  Love over power the hate this time.  But can love over power the hate of two families? Many time in the story the love over turns and sometimes it the other way around.  Both of the family went mad when one of the family members got killed.
The hate between them all started with the parents.  Being in the book of Romeo and Juliet the two families the started fight cause of one the family made a joke about the other family and it started a huge fight between the two families.  Even the servants help the fight that must have been a fight.  If the servant even fought them, the family must have been in hate.  If the servant would fight for their master then the two families really must have some
historic hate between the families.…

REMEK AJÁNLAT csomagban történő vásárlás az Ön megtakarításai −1 322 Ft
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