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Normál ár:
822 Ft
107 Ft
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714 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 25.04.2007.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 4 egység
Referenciák: Használatban

If we want to look on the Germany's reunion and it's impact on creating Maastricht Treaty, mainly, we must see as bilateral relations between two major political and economical powers- Germany and France in the since of "high" and "low", where "high" must bee understand as countries search for national security, but "low" politics as countries economical issues. The German situation, which has been so very different, is a case in point. Their reunion of west and east was achieved through first reconstituting the states of the eastern German Democratic Republic. They then joined the western German Federal Republic. Part of the maintenance of democracy in a reunified Germany undoubtedly will be tied to the continued linkage of Germany to the European Community, itself an evolving confederation that has restored the possibility of confederation as a viable form of federalism, most recently through the Maastricht treaty. For Germany Maastricht Treaty mainly was necessary to assuage the fears of its EC partners about more independent united Germany and to convince them of its unflagging commitment to the Community and European integration. On the other hand it was internal question of German relations with ex- soviet countries- like Slovenia and Croatia, where Germany see potential to closer economical, political, cultural, etc., relations, but the first step was to recognize independence of these countries and Germany should do it in EC level, but France and Great Britain has opposite thoughts. German peoples has shown support for Slovenia's and Croatia's independency, and therefore Germany should take a deeper European integration policy in the exchange of British and French recognition of Croatia's and Slovenia's independence.In the situation, when Germany's reunion process would be made without EC and France, Germany was still be a main economical and political power in Europe, and therefore to create a stabile European Community was necessary to make this reunion process in the sphere of EC, if not, the main centre of power would move to east part of Europe and the centre would be Germany, but France and other European countries would be in periphery and the historically chance of creating strong European Union would be lost1.…

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