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Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás

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240 Ft
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1 753 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 05.01.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries and, in terms of area, the seventh largest in Europe. It is a welfare state with a high standard of living, a small and educated population of just over five million, and pioneering high-tech know-how. Finns are proud of their advanced welfare system, the high level of education, and Finnish design and architecture. The country and its people have been moulded by its location between East and West.

Finland is one of the most progressive and advanced countries in Europe. For thirty years Finland has been tweaking the educational system until results were stellar. In spite of placing top in the world for education, the system is constantly being evaluated and improved. What does Finland do that other nations do not do?
Finland has set education as a national priority and believes that future generations do not have prospects for a healthy lifestyle if the population is not well educated. Finland’s priorities for maintaining a healthy educational system are:
Establishing a single, straightforward curriculum for all schools.
Expecting good results from all students and providing extra teaching resources to get those results.
Giving well-trained teachers respect and freedom to teach.
The Finnish education system is an egalitarian Nordic system, with no tuition fees for full-time students.
The citizens of Finland now believe that educating its children is a top priority and are willing to support it financially.
The Finnish education system is based on the principle that everyone should be equally provided with basic education services.
The aim of educational policy is to offer everyone living in Finland an equal right to education.…

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