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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 16.05.2009.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 14 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
1.  Overview about most polluted areas in Latvia    3
1.1.  Northern and Southern goudron pond in Incukalns    4
1.2.  Liquid toxic waste dump in Olaine    5
1.3.  Former Rumbula airport    6
1.4.  Liquid toxic waste dump “Kosmoss” in Jelgava    6
1.5.  Canal of Liepaja Naval Port    7
2.  Overview about most polluted areas in Slovenia    7
2.1.  The River Sava Basin    8
2.1.1.  Pollution with Nitrogen Compounds    8
2.1.2.  Pollution with Heavy Metals    9
2.2.  The Idrija Mercury Mine    9
2.3.  The Mežica Zinc and Lead Mine    10
3.  Differences and Similarities between Polluted Areas in Latvia and Slovenia    11
4.  Conclusions    12
  References    13

In territory of Latvia there are still remaining intensive historical pollution zones, from where pollution escalates further – into the ground, groundwater and surface waters - it endangers environmental objects and human health. Part of these territories is now under local authority control, but in most cases these authorities have deficiency of funds for sanitary measures and lack of specialists.
According to water structure directive (2000/60/EK), all EU countries summarizes all accessible data about river, lake, coast and groundwater state, as well as data about pollution sources in those territories. In report about directive 2000/60/EK accomplishment, it was inferred that point pollution is one of the most significant in Latvia and there was also distributed certain groups of it:
industrial waste dumps;
solid household waste dumps;
petrol stations and oil depots;
former depositaries of chemicals and pesticides;
livestock farms;
former USSR army territories.
Largest part of those pollution sources has owners or managers, so it is possible to use principle “polluter pays” (from spot-type pollution groups mentioned above, this can be applied to livestock farms, petrol stations and oil depots). Accordingly to integrated course of preventing and controlling pollution, correspondent company has a duty to eliminate or to decrease emissions of pollutants (Damkevics R., 2006).
From pollution rehabilitation point of view, the most problematic areas are those, where the level of pollution is high and is historically developed situation, that the polluter is not available anymore, for example – former USSR army territories and old industrial waste dumps. The high rate of contamination, as well as specific and expensive purification technology is an obstacle for local authorities and private investments in those areas’ rehabilitation and further use. The law “Of Pollution” prescribes that in cases when it’s impossible to find person or company, which stands the racket, Ministry of Environment or Ministry of Defense considers an option for environment rehabilitation for budget or other funds (section No 43) (…

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