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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 26.01.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Használatban

In frame of the week (22nd – 26th of October) at the PTC+ in Dronten, we visited a family farm, which is dealing with organic production. They had both plant and animal production, produced several vegetables and potato, while they also produce milk. From the milk the farm produces cheese, and other dairy products. Only 20% of the production is sold as milk.
The essence of the farm was the organic way of production, the cheese production and the shop at the farm, which was the first shop selling organic product in Flevoland region of The Netherlands. Because of this, the name of the shop is “De eerste”.
Visiting the farm we got curious, what is the situation with organic farms in Latvia and in Hungary so arriving home we started to search in this topic. In the following we would like to share the result of our research.
First, we will start with the definition of biological farming, after this we will introduce the Latvian, Hungarian and the Dutch organic farming. Finally, we will draw a short conclusion.

Biological agriculture
In biological agriculture, technologies are used which are based on natural self-regulation processes and an increase of the biological activity of soil. Biological agriculture is a form of environmentally friendly agriculture.

Biological agriculture in Latvia
Biological agriculture exists in Latvia as an independent branch since the beginning of the 1990s. It aims at production of food that has full value and is harmless for health. An inspection system according to EU Regulation 2092/91 has been in force since 2001.
The main types of production of biological farms in Latvia are milk, cereals, potatoes, vegetable, as well as honey and strawberries. The production does not meet the demand for biologically grown products.

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