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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 19.09.2011.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 1 egység
Referenciák: Használatban

Although Elinor Dashwood is not a first-person narrator, most of the story is told through her eyes and Austen seems to agree with all of her opinions. This is so, evidently, because Jane Austen concentrates her attention on observing the world around her, and tries to make those observations as much objective as possible. Elinor’s sense and rather objective attitude towards life allows telling in this way, besides them, Elinor is participating in all the events. It would seem rather impossible to a realist to take the other protagonist and to tell something from the Marianne’s affectionate point of view. At the same time, Jane Austen never tells a story in the first person, she cannot be identified directly with her heroines, and, so far as I am concern, there have not been incident or character in her books drawn directly from life. It seems at the same time, the author has put her own opinions in both the protagonists – Elinor and Marianne equally as to the end of the novel it becomes clear, both the approaches are necessary.
Jaune Austen’s works are the products of her time. There are elements that witness the domestic ideology, but most of these elements derive from the social environment in which the novelist lived, so her work is an excellent evidence of the time and, simultaneously, an investigation of the relations between the two ways of thinking – sense and sensibility.

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