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995 Ft
128 Ft
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867 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 07.04.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Amanda Hope is the pseudonym of an author already well-known in the writing field who breaks into the world of romantic-suspense fiction with this gothic story of a determined young heroine out to discover the fate of her missing brother and to reveal the truth about the man who has conspired to deprive him of his rightful inheritance.
Even the most purposeful heroines, however, have hearts – and it is Jennie’s involvement with the ruthless Sir Piers and his dashing cousin Roderick that almost defeats her in the achievement of her aim.
A romantic old house in Cornwall is setting for this exciting novel, which with twist after twist will keep the reader guessing until the last page.
In Jennie Penley, Amanda Hope has created a femininely resourceful heroine whose wayward heart and impulsive courage will win the sympathy of every reader. This is romantic fiction at its best.

Characters who are in this exciting novel:

Jennie – 19 years old girl who had always been a fighter.
Lucy – 12 years old girl, Jennie’s sister.
Tom – 21 years old boy, Jennie’s brother.
Mr. Peregrine – Jennie’s father who had been born a Pengelly of Tremullion.
Nell Gweek – Jennie’s mother. She was Tremullion’ s housekeeper’ s daughter who had died of pneumonia.
Roderick Pengelly – His real mother was his adoptive mother’s sister, so he isn’t a real Pengelly.
Sir Piers – MRS. Pengelly’ s son.
Mrs. Pengelly – Sir Piers mother.
Sylvia – Sir Piers’s daughter, 13 years old girl.
Eloise Pengelly – Sylvia’s mother. She had consumption, but she had a terrible death (Eloise was bitten by a viper).…

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Munkacsomag, munkacsomagszám: 1196661
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